Callaway Youth Expo
Kingdom Crusaders 4-H Club meets at 12:00pm on the second Wednesday every month at Rising Sun Church. They are a homeschool group open to all.
Club leader: Mamie Smith, smithmamie4@gmail.com
Hatton 4-H Club meets at 7 p.m. on the second Monday of every month at the Community Center in Hatton.
Club leader: Roy Rohrbach, roy@rohrbachfamilyfarms.com or 573-642-3172
New Bloomfield Cruisers Club meets at 7 p.m. on the second Monday of every month at Bank Star One in New Bloomfield. Please call before the meeting to verify the location.
Club leader: Steve Hartman, sixhartsgelbvieh@netzero.com or 573-491-3598
Mighty Mokaners Club meets at 6:30 p.m. on the third Monday of each month at the Mokane Methodist Church.
Club leader: Terrie Culwell, terrieculwell@gmail.com or 573-239-2715
Rising Sun 4-H Club meets at 6:30 p.m. on the second Sunday of every month at the Central Christian Church.
Club leader: Leah Baker, leah_rhad@yahoo.com, Club email: risingsun4h@yahoo.com
Williamsburg Pioneers Club meets on the third Wednesday of every month at the Williamsburg Community Center
Club leaders: Stephanie Murphy, jsfarms2004@gmail.com or 573-239-4077
Teen Leaders Group (ages 12-18) meets at 4:30 p.m. on the first Sunday of every month at the Callaway County Extension Center.
Club leaders: Manda Wilmsmeyer, callawayteenleaders@gmail.com, 573-220-2315
Callaway County Shooting Sports Program
Please contact the Callaway County Extension Office at 573-642-0755
To join a club or get more information about 4-H programs in Callaway County, contact the Callaway Extension Center at 573-642-0755 or email Callaway@ext.missouri.edu.